Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bonsoir, je m'appel Patrick

Once upon a time not too long ago, I was sauntering through the halls of Camosun College. Lost to my headphones as usual, it was a day like any other. Yet, around the corner was a moment. And sitting in the centre of that moment was a woman with a smile.  Her name is Sarah Ritcey and she is a gatekeeper. We make with the chat chit and she invites me to speak with her boss about the possibilities of studying abroad. The privilege of youth is time, so why not?

Sitting around a large wooden table in the international office at Lansdowne, a man named Thevi Pather walks in. Thevi is a big deal. Emitting an aura of purpose, he begins to speak: "This is a list of schools you can go to..." I remember Africa, I remember Asia, and then talk turned to Europe. He continues to pour fuel on dreams and then passes me a business card. Take a look at the information and get back to Sarah, and we'll take it from there, and then you can take it anywhere.

I remember the cafe latte at the Cornerstone* that convinced me. Staring out the window and watching Victoria go by, I had nothing but death on my mind. It may sound morbid, but growing up in my life, I know about death. And I know that without a doubt she is self employed. Tomorrow isn't promised to today, so when I'm staring at that bright tunnel, I am not going to have one regret. However, I am going to Europe. Booyah Master Chief.

Now where to go? England...hmmm, nah, me gusto, Sweden...the most progressive society surrounded by models and tempting, too much snow, so no. Where can I indulge my love of the finer things in life, meet the most stylish women, drink fine wine, and evolve my freshness...Paris, ca va marcher. On aller.

Patrick: "Hey Sarah, I'm down, what needs to happen?"
Sarah: "Applications and some paperwork"
Patrick: "Alright, where do I get said paperwork?"
Sarah: "It's already on the way"

Sarah is the gatekeeper, I'm forever grateful.

Then I get a phone call from Ottawa. Someone very close to you has passed on, and the damage is great. Everything on hold, I was in the air four hours later. A couple of the most painful weeks of my life. If you know then you know, if you don't, then make sure your love light shine bright, cause it's on the 'fo sho' list right above taxes.

So everything is settled, more or less, and I can come back to my gravy life in Vic. I hit the ground running. Where's that smoke coming from? Oh, that's my life, and it's on fire. And you have midterms on friday (today is tuesday). It don't matter, this belt around my waist means I'm a champion. Push the pencil, and get it done. I left those exams with no dirt on my shoulders, na mean?

I called Sarah as I'm walking towards the 21. "Can I still go?" "It'll be tight, let me see, I'll call you back." Vibrations, "Hey Sarah," "Yeah you're in, bon voyage." Hold on tight youngblood, here we go.

So in front of me there were two mountains, finals and the mountain of work needed to cross the country plus an ocean. Hustle, hustle, hustle, is all I can say. They tell you about the education you get at school, this is it kid. Deal with ten tons of responsibility, deadlines and all the while you're the boss. So I planned, organized, led and controlled. There's a good reason why they tell you to start preparing three months prior to your departure, I have a week.

I won't terrorize you with the challenges I had to slay, but let me tell you this much, in order to get my affairs in order I handled business in Victoria, Vancouver, Ottawa and Montreal, and even the French ambassador was involved. Yet, I left the consulate in Montreal with a Visa the day before my flight out. Hey, I'm already home. Ask and ye shall receive. Thank you to all the collaborators. Everyone.

I roll off the plane exhausted and victorious. That was a feeling I'll never forget. Then to the trains, and finally the hostel. I slept for two days straight. Next up let's find a place in Paris. Hahahahahahahaha..... everytime I think I'm out, they pull me right back in. I literally made 100 phone calls. My craigslist sessions felt like a knife fight with a fork. There's something I'm missing, nothing is moving, no call backs, no emails, no nothing. I called the contacts from the school, from the web, from the conversations on the Metro. Nothing. I saw 3 places. I got the third.

In retrospect, this is the point: In Islam there is a saying, Insha'Allah, it means, in God's Hands. I pushed myself further and harder than I ever thought I could to get to Paris, I mean tree planting was easier. What this struggle did, quite efficiently, is strip me naked. It pushed me to achieve results under pressure and to a point where every glass of wine is a reminder. Where all my preconceptions, all my desires, all my worries, and ego constructs were released. So that I can make love to Paris in every moment. So that this living city of twelve million can shape me through its culture, its people and its rhythm. I got exactly what I asked for and not a penny less.

So now you get the context. And this is the beginning. From now on my lovelies, it's all champagne bubbles. The stage is set, the crowd is here, and the curtains are going up. I promise you a show like nothing you've ever seen. The grimiest underground hiphop parties, the most lush cafes, the heart wrenching romances, and a young hero who's living like there's nothing to lose.

I have 97 days, and dear readers, I'm going to light this city on fire. Welcome to my life, let's bring this light into the darkness. Rien d'autre, rien si beau que ca. Je t'aime.

next update: this is school in france?! 50 euros for what you say?! I'm not going to fight her even if she is a lesbian! why are the dutch so good at bowling?

A tanttot!

*(Fernwood represent, brap!)

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